MMW: Once Trump's power fades and the GOP is examining the wreckage of their party, a new conspiracy theory will rise to prominence: Trump was a Democratic psyop all along
(edit: the conspiracy theory ISN’T new, it’s been around for years. what’s new — what I am predicting— is its widespread adoption by formerly loyal Trumpists.)
Trust me, there will be no sincere self-examination or reflection. As Trump keeps losing, and/or when he dies, the GOP will absolutely not take a close look at how they got where they are. There will be neo-Trumpists who will try to keep carrying the Trump banner, becoming more and more fringe, and there will be post-Trumpists who try to move the party forward. But none of them will ever admit that Trump was a loser. Instead they will decide that Trump was just a long con by the Democrats from the very beginning, and they will marshal some evidence in their favor:
- Trump was a Democrat for years
- Trump did not expect to win against Clinton
- Trump was friends with prominent Democrats
You read it here first. Go ahead and set your remindmes. Bookmark & save this post. It's gonna happen.