MMW: Once Trump's power fades and the GOP is examining the wreckage of their party, a new conspiracy theory will rise to prominence: Trump was a Democratic psyop all along

(edit: the conspiracy theory ISN’T new, it’s been around for years. what’s new — what I am predicting— is its widespread adoption by formerly loyal Trumpists.)

Trust me, there will be no sincere self-examination or reflection. As Trump keeps losing, and/or when he dies, the GOP will absolutely not take a close look at how they got where they are. There will be neo-Trumpists who will try to keep carrying the Trump banner, becoming more and more fringe, and there will be post-Trumpists who try to move the party forward. But none of them will ever admit that Trump was a loser. Instead they will decide that Trump was just a long con by the Democrats from the very beginning, and they will marshal some evidence in their favor:

  1. Trump was a Democrat for years
  2. Trump did not expect to win against Clinton
  3. Trump was friends with prominent Democrats

You read it here first. Go ahead and set your remindmes. Bookmark & save this post. It's gonna happen.