Losing passion after 25K stats

Today my 90 day pet dead, which marks my first 3 month on reboot. I currently mained a Kanna with ~2400 legion.

Thanks to Tera Burring and my guild I was able to reach 25K main stats by the end of the Neo event, and I stuck here for ~3 weeks grinding and waiting for 5/10/15 to get as many 17 stars equips as I could. Sounds like a decent progression plan. However I just lose the passion gradually as I grind.

I feel brain dead when I grind, no fun, only repetitive spamming keyboard, the only purpose of this is the increase of the meso number, which will vanish in a few clicks in SF/cubing. I only feel hopeless when I actually calculate how many hours of grinding I would expect to get all 17 stars, and 17 stars Ab/CRA/gullex set is just a start of the mid game, Not to mention Arc set/21 stars/2L end game meta.

I think the only fun I have each week is the Lotus/Damien & NLucid struggle party with my guild. I also find many members of my guild also go afk around this stage (or maybe due to unplayable goo version)

How does everyone overcome this stage, and what motivates you to keep grinding?