This is the version that is available now

I feel like this one Mandela effect that affects the most number of people after the real Mandela and the pikachu one .
Here is my version of what I remember from this video
1. The reporter was blonde and white , i dont remember what she wore, maybe pink or white. People say that she was " Emily Austin", I looked it up , they might be right ; she does resemble to the girl I remember.

  1. I clearly remember the jersey he was wearing to be purple, not blue .

  2. Considering the time of the shot day/night , i do remember it being night but in a very bright setting due to stadium lights.

  3. After catch - I remember the reporter to be very happy/ suprised unlike the black reporter who was still silent from shock. I also remember her asking the cameraman - " DID YOU GET THAT? " .

Please offer your opinions , I'm literally dumbfounded