[commander] new to MTG having issues with my kaalia of the vast deck
deck link: https://archidekt.com/decks/9146018/copy_of_upping_the_average_kaalia_of_the_vast
Nearly brand new player. Just got introduced to magic, specifically commander. Went to EDHrec for this Kaalia deck. Then had some friends help tweak it as I don’t off hand know cards yet.
However. Played 7 or so times so far and it’s just falling flat. I feel like I’m spending lots of turns doing nothing. Not enough mana to cast any creature outright. And the moment my commander comes out my opponent (or opponents) target and destroy/exile/otherwise eliminate her. Some is just luck of the draw. Sometimes I get protection I want. Most of the time I don’t.
So. If possible I think I want more ramp, more ability to give things haste. Or just something (or somethings) to cheese out more big monsters. I like these awesome demons and angels. Most of the time they sit in my hand and do nothing until I die having never enough mana to cast them.
Any card recs appreciated.