Do you consistently experience wild swings in day to day play?
Ranked play, play every single day enough to get 15 wins. Typically make it to mythic each month with homebrews. On a day to day basis I can go anywhere from winning 90% of my matches to losing 90% of my matches. Seems like I will know within my first 3 matches what kind of day it will be. Some days everything clicks, draws are always smooth, opponents don't hit their win conditions. Other days the curve is never present, mana flood, mana screw...almost every match. Today I went from ~800 ranked mythic (after being in that ball park for a week +) to 94th%.
It really seems like the swings are just the normal part of the game and I've experienced them using multiple decks that are all very different. Do you all experience the same? Seems more than simply random draw of the day but I know that I should shush that conspiratorial voice inside of me.
01/20 UPDATE: Today went 15 wins/4 losses. Back to ranked....this shit is wild :)