Who are your favorite lamen coded couples?
{Captive Prince} truly is my Roman Empire and I'm not ashamed to say that.
Damen and Laurent's relationship and dynamic is so special. A steady, emotionally intelligent caretaking one as a perfect foil to a a secretive, vulnerable, sharply intellectual counterpoint.
One of my contemporary favorites is {To Hold A Hidden Pearl by Fearne Hill} in large part because it is so Lamen coded but shines in its own unique way. So consider this a ringing positive review/reccomendation of that too. I love how they meet, the spiciness of the sex, the nightgowns and pearls and switching.
A working class Italian-English bloke and an Earl whose entire family recently perished. They >! Meet in a gay club bec the Italian Stallion, as he is called, is having a sexual identity crisis and wants to suck a cock for the first time. Then they meet again a few weeks later because the guy he encountered in the club turns our to be his residency supervising doctor lmaooo.!<
It's filled with fun, grief, spice, love, healing. Made me cry but also squirm and guffaw.
I realize Alex and Henry are a little bit like this too. Ugh it's just such a good pairing! I love you forever CS Pacat and Fearne Hill for two of my favorite couples (aside from Shane and Ilya and Jude and Asa plsss)