Light hearted series consisting of same characters!!
I have read only some series that have the same leads through out and aren't mystery or crime thriller.
So I would like some recommendations of series that are more light hearted and humorous. Where in each book the topics and conflicts are mostly based on their relationship. So it becomes more like a comfort read where you just read about the familiar characters and relationship dynamic.
The ones I have read include Will and Patrick wake up married by leta Blake. I honestly loved the format even though it felt more like a long book cut in short episodes. I liked the 'like us' series by Krista Ritchie too, even though I feel like it's not really popular and loved by masses. I enjoyed the comfort of the characters sticking together and solving more domestic issues about their relationship and family. Also The Spectral Files by H.E Harmon, however it is more mystery but very balanced with the humorous part.
So more series that are like these would be nice.
(Also why would leta Blake not release more stuff like Will and Patrick wake up married 😭)