Hannah is terrible agreed but it's annoying how everyone acts like Nick isn't without fault.

I just watched the reunion and I feel like im watching something different from everyone. Marissa literally apologised to Nick about Hannah's behaviour and said that Hannah has been bitchy to her too and then specified that Nick too said mean shit. Monica validated it too same as Alex basically every one except garret and taylor. If the people present on the show behind the scenes agree with what Hannah said to a slight degree I feel like that should be telling.

Marissa explained how Nick on tv acts like this golden dog puppy retriever and behind camera is the complete opposite. Hannah has major issues with the way she talks to people but she highlighted that she's honest and direct; not a justification but an explanation. Nick on the other hand acts pretentious on camera. He goes on camera and says he loves Hannah and everything is great after the meetup but then tells the guys comments on her body. Mind you this is in the first few episodes before Mexico so before Hannah starts dog piling him.

Like HELLO doesn't anyone remember how he was acting in the pods in the first episode??? All the girls came back to the rooms and were like nah he's a red flag. And then the duck thing too was immature and annoying asf. He weaponizes his incompetence. What do you mean you can't boil water. A 15 year old can do that cmon.

Everyone is trying to justify his incompetence like he isn't a 28 year old man supposedly trying to commit to a marriage. He is the type of person that eventually you get tired and start doing everything yourself. She mentioned the thing too about taking the garbage out and finances. These are conversations you have as you're getting ready to make a life long commitment and instead he was replying like a child straight out of highschool. Living in your parent's basement is fine cause the economy is fucked but at least have some responsibility and obligations.

I'm not saying all these personality traits warrants the berating that Hannah gave him but everyone is like "Nick appreciation post", "Nick is such a wholesome man" and Hannah is the devil's spawn. Nick isn't bad but he had emotional issues and isn't mature. Does him not being mature mean he should be put down? No but like can the sub be more constructive in conversations; everything isn't black and white.