Moving to Louisville?

Hi, my husband got an unofficial job offer from a job in downtown Louisville and we are debating moving there (he will be receiving official offer on Monday).

We are mid-20s, no kids, enjoy nightlife and doing new things. We currently live in the suburbs of Charleston, SC and pay a little over in 2,000 in rent. Would you recommend moving to Louisville to someone born and raised in the deep south? (this might be a little silly question to ask a Louisville group lol). I’ve never driven in snow and I’m not used to harsh winters but very used to a hot and humid climate in the summers. What areas would you recommend for apartments? And what areas to avoid? How much do you pay for car insurance? Do you think I would notice a big culture difference? I’ve also heard a lot of bad things about the police. Also what is up with the shooting into the sky on NYE??

We would both be making more and from what it seems, paying less in rent. Would love to hear from natives and transplants. Lots of random questions and I’ve never posted on Reddit before, but TIA for any insight!!