Are you addicted to Internet?

One problem is I get so lonely in my house. The only solution is going on reddit but I don’t want to do that anymore.

I find it hard to upkeep everything (working out, cooking almost daily [I do meal prep but still make food four days a week], eating three meals a day, dishes every day, other chores on top of it, full time job, then time for writing my hobby) because I just get lonely. I wake up to quietness, I come home to quietness, I go to bed to quietness. I just feel alone and the only solution is Reddit, which I get lost in and become unproductive

It’s quiet the entire day. I can text friends but we don’t always have something to say. Music only helps so much.

Maybe it’s because I haven’t ever had a relationship so maybe I have this fantasy in my head it would make me feel less alone, I don’t know. I do like my alone time sometimes, but all the time? Without internet it’s hard