What does your perfect weekend living alone looks like?
Happy friday everyone! While I am currently still at work and look forward to my weekend, I was wondering how your perfect weekend to relax and recharge while living alone looks like?
After spending the whole time from christmas until New Years with my parents, which was nice, but also very draining for an introvert like me, I am going to treat myself this weekend:
As always, I will clean and tidy my apartment today after work. While I'll be meeting some people from the political youth organization I'm in at 6 pm, I'll should be able to finsish cleaning and tidying my apartment tonight. This is very important to me, because I always aim to get the cleaining and tidying of my apartment done on Fridays. I also try to make sure to get the grocery shopping and any other chores for the weekend done by Friday night - this way, I know that I am done with my chores by Friday Night and have the rest of the weekend to do whatever I want.
I did not make any planes for the weekend (other than today at 6 pm) on the Weekend which I really look forward to - as an introvert, I need this time all by myself to recharge my social batteries after the holidays and being social at work. I recently got my PS3 out again and also made some tweaks to my relativly old Laptop so certain game that I want to play run better, so my weekend is probably gonna be spend by playing a lot of videogames, GTA5 and Assassin’s Creed Rogue on my PS3 and Stardew Valley and Phasmophobia on my Laptop.
Then, I also plan to do a lot of Selfcare. Though I am not really a typicall "girly girl", I do enjoy doing face-and hairmasks, lighting a nice scented candle and just take care of myself. After eating a lot of crap during the holidays and being stressed and tired after my first workweek in the new year, my skincare and self care suffered a bit, so I am looking forward to doing something nice for my body and soul.
Lastly, I plan on getting a lot of sleep and just cozying up, especially in the evenings. After cannabis became legal in my country last April, I did not go to crazy and since my parents dont like cannabis, especially because of the smell, I did not bring and smoke any while staying with them. But I also have ADHD, which makes it hard for me to cozy up and relax in the evenings. Of course, I am relaxed when I play my favorite games, but in the evenings when I want to relax and watch a movie, I have a hard time. Cannabis helps a lot with that, so I bought some and look forward to have 3 nice evenings. I bought wayyyy to much, this is gonna last me for way longer, but since I rarely smoke weed, when I do it I don't like to limit myself. Like, I always pick one weekend when I smoke weed, at most I smoke at one weekend during the month, and during that I don't wanna limit myself by saying "Only one Joint during this evening".
So, all in all, pretty chill weekend, a lot of video games, self care and probably some Munchies at night and a pretty relaxed night. What are your plans for the weekend and what do you do when you need to recharge?