ICF Certifications
** Edit to clarify:
Maybe I misworded my question, and I apologize.
I am already LCS certified, but now I am looking for an ICF-approved certification because I noticed the workplace doesn't really take LCS seriously.
My question is if it matters which ICF training I take or if companies are only looking for the seal of approval.
I am starting to look up ICF Certifications because I want to learn more, but also because when I was looking for jobs, most companies wouldn't even look at my resume since I was certified through the LCS.
I have found some places I like, but the trainings are more feminine, future self, and LOA focused (but they are ICF approved).
My question is, when I apply for jobs, will it matter where I got certified, or can I just say that I am ICF certified?
I don't think the actual school matters too much, either LCS or Martha Beck... but what about the ICF side of it?!