Chemistry bar - It match or not

I was wondering what the bar chemistry is and what this bar could be used for. 🤔

Hypothesis : compatibility bar

The chemistry bar could can also be an indicator of compatibility. It would be interesting if this indicator was random and or can also related to a character's personality traits ( preferences : likes/dislikes...etc ) 🤔 . Then this chemestry indicator could show that two characters could from their first meeting(s) have good feelings, bad feelings or feel nothing for each other. It would also be interesting if the indicator did not necessarily lead to a romantic/friend relationship but just initially to a feeling ( good/bad/neutral...).

Social relationships are often based on prejudices, first impressions, intellectual or physical attraction so, I think that the chemistry indicator could maybe that.

I think the chemistry bar could prove to be useful and interesting in the LBY game, to the extent that it could allow other styles of social relationships other than love and friendship. Bar chemistry could perhaps make it possible to obtain social relationships that start and rest on different bases.

I would really like the characters in Life By You to be in different relationships (nuanced, ambiguous ; or in very special and unique connections thanks to bar chemistry).

I hope that bar chemistry takes into account a character's personality and that the characters will have nuanced personalities so that the social relationships can be very interesting !

Above all, my wish would be that the relationships do not boil down to the characters being just good friends, enemies and lovers.Family relationships are also very important to me ! Family relationships are special because it's the first social circle of a person...then It different links.

PS : sorry for my english

I was wondering what the bar chemistry is and what this bar could be used for. 🤔

Hypothesis : compatibility bar

The chemistry bar could can also be an indicator of compatibility. It would be interesting if this indicator was random and or can also related to a character's personality traits ( preferences : likes/dislikes...etc ) 🤔 . Then this chemestry indicator could show that two characters could from their first meeting(s) have good feelings, bad feelings or feel nothing for each other. It would also be interesting if the indicator did not necessarily lead to a romantic/friend relationship but just initially to a feeling ( good/bad/neutral...).

Social relationships are often based on prejudices, first impressions, intellectual or physical attraction so, I think that the chemistry indicator could maybe that.

I think the chemistry bar could prove to be useful and interesting in the LBY game, to the extent that it could allow other styles of social relationships other than love and friendship. Bar chemistry could perhaps make it possible to obtain social relationships that start and rest on different bases.

I would really like the characters in Life By You to be in different relationships (nuanced, ambiguous ; or in very special and unique connections thanks to bar chemistry).

I hope that bar chemistry takes into account a character's personality and that the characters will have nuanced personalities so that the social relationships can be very interesting !

Above all, my wish would be that the relationships do not boil down to the characters being just good friends, enemies and lovers.Family relationships are also very important to me ! Family relationships are special because it's the first social circle of a person...then It different links.

PS : sorry for my english