I think my job wants to exploit LIS students...

Maybe I am overthinking this and would love to hear other opinions about this. I posted a while back that my job had laid off 2 part time librarian positions and so now my manager is the one taking on 4 roles at once (because I am in a grant funded position, I am not allowed to help her).

It has been in the talks that they (The Director of my job pretty much), want to get LIS students to come in and help with the Archives since she has taken an interest in doing so (even though she wants to downsize the library, but hey, a win is a win I guess).

This is that part where I'm not sure. So the Director of the institution I work at had spoken to the Director of Collections (too many Directors), who had spoken with my boss that they want LIS students to not only research, but to CREATE official archival policies that they plan on using throughout the whole institution.

Now, I feel like that is A LOT to ask for a student, even if they are a 2nd year. My boss and I are in complete disagreement that such a big move should be placed on a student and that this needs to be created by professionals in the field. I know that they plan on reaching out to the University's LIS department admin to discuss more about this.

Since my job has been trying to "maintain" a budget, I get the feeling that they want to exploit the students and use them as cheap labor. (This is just a theory based on events that have played out)

Overall, what are your thoughts about it?

Edit: Typos