Leveling guide by KrinBits


lvl 1-4 : 3 victories on gangplank
lvl 4-8 : Complete gangplank runs / complete Nautilus runs if stronger, also 3 wins on Nautilus can work
lvl 8-13 : Nautilus runs / 3 wins on Draven
lvl 13 - 19 : Thresh 3 wins / full run if you can deal with Tryndamere and try to avoid Yetis
lvl 19 -23 : Galio / look into the weekly adventures they could even take you all the way to 30
lvl 23 - 30 : 5 wins on Asol / at 5 wins if you are sure your build can take on ASol certainly go for it.

Some notes on the cosmic pearls, comments would be appreciated:

lvl 14 + cosmic pearl + 3* run = lvl 20

lvl 22 + cosmic pearl + ASOL = lvl 30