UPDATE: The tea shop koi is gone

I posted yesterday about the koi in the tea shop that I wanted to rescue - thanks so much to everyone who offered advice, and even offered to help me move it. You’re all so kind.

I called the tea shop today to confirm when the owner would be in again, but they told me that they had already removed it to somewhere. I’m not sure where, but they confirmed it’s gone permanently. I guess the best case is they surrendered it to a fish store or something, worst case is they dumped it somewhere or just took the tank home. I really hope that fish is on its way to a better life and not something worse.

I didn’t ask what happened to the fish, and I wish I had. I hope I didn’t make things worse. I feel like at this point it’s just weird if I call again and ask… they’re gonna think I’m a crazy person.

Anyway, thanks to everyone again. It was really nice to see how many people care about a fish as much as I did.