Soft sensual looks for FG

Hey all, I'm (probably) an FG but I don't always wanna look like a sleek, edgy spitfire. Sometimes I wanna channel sexy, sensual and feminine vibes. How can a FG pull this off? I don't tend to like the FG vibe as my ideal self is more sensual, overtly feminine, and diva-ish. Pic for attention and also the mood I'm going for.

Hey all, I'm (probably) an FG but I don't always wanna look like a sleek, edgy spitfire. Sometimes I wanna channel sexy, sensual and feminine vibes. How can a FG pull this off? I don't tend to like the FG vibe as my ideal self is more sensual, overtly feminine, and diva-ish. Pic for attention and also the mood I'm going for.