SC vs SN
Verified SC: Naomi Watts, 5'5" (165cm)\ Verified SN: Chloë Sevigny 5'6" (167cm)
Both Soft Classics and Soft Naturals have curve as their dominant. The difference is one is moderate and one has width. Moderate has been described as "Parity between outer edge of the upper torso and hipbone. These two parts are evenly spaced." Width has been described as "Breadth through shoulder/upper torso area. This will be wider than what comes underneath. Kibbe further clarifies that width " proportionate. It is not a wide body. This part of the body is simply broader than the rest. You could be tiny and still have this part be wider."
To help differentiate how their frames can appear, l've used verified celebs whose heights are fairly similar.
(Every body is different and unique. Not all SCs look like Naomi. Not all SNs look like Chloë. This is only to try and show what "moderate" and "width" can look like for someone who is curve dominant stuck between SC and SN.)