Selfish Raila

Aii, hata kama. Do we have to live in chaos forever as long as Raila is alive and not president? After every election, once he loses he ensures the government and whole country is as miserable as possible - unless he's given a role - at which point he does a 180 and there's relative calm until the next election. People lose lives, property, economy stalls cause people can't do business in the chaos, all this for what?

Economies have up and downs, right now we're down, and so is pretty much the rest of the world. And it's not as bad as Raila makes it to be. Hatujafika ile point where things cost 10 times what they cost in the last year. Plus in any case, there's a reason we have elections every 5 years, pea mtu nafasi and when the time comes us citizens will judge them and elect new leaders if we wish.

Why don't they just arrest him? Inciting people to violence in illegal demonstrations surely is a crime, I see arrests in other countries in situations like this. Mnafunga yeye korokoroni, no bail and drag him through the legal process for so long he'll think twice about demonstrating the next time.

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