How have your opinions changed on each family member?
I am curious to see how people’s opinions of the fam have changed? I feel like how I feel about them in later seasons is completely different than my initial thoughts. I started watching from the beginning for the first time last year without knowing any real context of their lives (besides owning some Kylie lip kits, I didn’t even follow any of them on insta at the time). And then my kardashian obsession began. Anyways, through watching I feel totally different about pretty much all of them than I did at the beginning. It made me think of this because I have seen several people say how much the miss the old Khloe, which personally I didn’t love the old old her. Here are my before and after opinions (and I would love to know yalls on as many or as few as you wish to share!)
Kim- I thought she was pretty bratty and kinda ditzy. Maybe it was just played up more for her to be what you expected her to be, but I didn’t really care about her in the earlier seasons. Now she’s my absolute favorite, I love her loyalty, both to people and her passions, and obvs she’s been a beauty/fashion/everything icon for forever.
Kourt- she was my favorite in the beginning. Tbh I love her monotone-ness, it cracks me up because she would say the most hilarious things all with the most straight face. Now, I can’t really stand her which makes me sad. I think she’s going through a lot, but she seems to take it all out on the people around her. Also it annoys me that she thinks she has a monopoly on being a ~mom~ and brings it up every two seconds, when literally all of them but Kendall are moms too.
Khloe- I used to think she was so obnoxious- she would throw her sisters on the floor every two seconds and drag them around by their legs lol, say trashy sex phrases or cuss all the time not even in context, more just to say it, and her baby voice around the Lamar era killed me haha. She also just seemed a lot more mean back then. They would always say that she was the kindest and most loving in the family and I never understood it because I never saw it. I did see someone on a post here saying when you’re labeled “the fat one” your whole life, you try to distract from your perceived bigness by having a big loud personality. Tbh I don’t even think she was ever fat, but I think she perceived herself that way, and so now that she’s more comfortable with herself, I think she has toned down and now we get to see why everyone loves her so much, because she’s not putting up an intense personality. I loooove her now and see why everyone goes to her for things.
Scott- was hard to watch in the beginning. Kourt went through so much (and publicly too) with him, and he was really struggling and lashing out at others. I love seeing his character arc and how much he’s matured now. I think he posted an insta caption once saying something like “I used to always post my cars and now I always post my kids, so glad I’ve found something that actuallly makes me happy” and I think that sums up his transformation. Ya love to see it.
Kendall- my opinion on her hasn’t changed much because she isn’t as open as the rest, which I respect that she owns how different she is from the rest of them and isn’t afraid to sit things out
Kylie- I feel like this is an unpopular opinion too but I thought Kylie was just like an angsty and kinda selfish teen (which is totally fair, she literally was a teen lol) but I feel like she has done a TOTAL shift since having stormi. I love how she has something else to care about and I love seeing her flourish as a mom, she truly seems so much happier.
Kris- I think I have had the same opinion of her but over time it has just become stronger. She is a great manager, but at the cost of exploiting those around her without remorse. She also was just pretty horrible to Cait (ex. When she wouldn’t let him have any space in the garage, his only room in the house). I think she’s seen a ton of growth professionally (it’s so funny seeing earlier seasons where she has no idea what she’s doing and comparing her to now) but not nearly as much emotional growth as the rest of them. Jonathan- my opinion the whole time has been how is he best friends with Kim and where did he come from lol
Let me know your thoughts!! And if there are any other people you have changed opinions on??