Guys u are delusional and here’s why

Idk why people keep complaining S15 might be one of the best seasons it has ever been for me.I can’t explain how insanely happy it made me to see the 250€ sett skin,jinx skin and yasuo skin that just look so amazing I thought they were chromas literally getting mindcontroled by how good those cool amazing skins are #ad.But now to the best part:first blood mechanic.Its so cool and competitive to see games being decided in the first 3 min when someone dies to an invade and they snowball like fckn crazy and even better are the champions.Wow am I proud of this meta riot balance team at his finest!Wanna climb?Just role swap to adc and play vik,Karthus or vel koz and get carried and even better is the new Objektive everybody asked for!5 better guardian angels and guess which team will always gets it yes right!The winning one I mean it’s not like anyone wants a comeback.Soloq is pure lottery wich is all we wanted.Want a gambling addiction?Play league of legends season 15 and hope u get the team that gets first blood after lvl 1 cheese.Truly one of the greatest season of all time