Is shipping time always slow?
Had my first appointment, approved and filled out the paperwork that night and even saw the processed, medication will be on its way shortly notification.
I know from my provider to expect to way about 14 days, but from looking at everyone else's posts I'm a little concerned about just how long shipment will actually take (Some have had things in 5 days, others appear to have taken almost a full month), and that leads me to worry about whether I'll need to submit my refill request basically as soon as I receive my first vial to account for really long shipping times.
Obviously I don't know where they're shipping from or what's actually involved behind the scenes, but I know others that have been on different programs and received medication very very quickly.
Is the first one really slow to ship and subsequent shipments much faster? Is the slow shipment actually a bigger problem and am I going to have to submit a refill request within a week of receiving my meds to account for slower ship speeds?