Queuing for Day Tickets!

I got the first train into London this morning and arrived just after 6am. There were only four people ahead of me and it doesn't seem like there'll be many people flocking to the theatre any time soon.

I was wary of when I should arrive seeing as the show run is nearly ending, but it seems like the same rules apply. If you get there before 7, you'll be fine.

Wish me luck on a four hour wait!



  • According to a few of the people in the queue, there are 14 tickets available daily.
  • This means that only the first seven or so people will end up with tickets.
  • There are currently 11 people in the queue. The last four of them arrived within the last 20 minutes.
  • Maximum 2 tickets per person.
  • It still seems that as long as you arrive before 7am then you'll probably be okay. It depends if people are buying either one or two tickets each.
  • Definitely glad I arrived as early as I did.
  • Someone has already left the queue lol.



  • People have been arriving steadily over the last hour.
  • There's about 20 people in the queue at the moment.



  • Got my ticket!
  • By the end there were about 25/30 people in the queue. I'm pretty sure only the first seven or eight of us managed to grab tickets.
  • And, just to clarify, it's 14 tickets per show. Today there's no matinée, so only 14 tickets. On two show days that will be doubled, so 28 tickets. I'm not sure if you can pick which show you want, but I assume you probably can.



  • The show was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.
  • To top it all off, I ran to stage door after the show ended and got her signature.
  • I am absolutely awestruck and lost for words.
  • This feels so lucky to me considering I started the day with no Prima Facie tickets and no idea if I would be able to get them.