Happy Hour Saved Me

Yesturday i had surgery in the hospital and was in there for 11 hours. I have autism and servere health anxiety and ocd so this was an absolute nightmare as im sure lots of you can relate to! I got through it and everything went ok, im Cancer free and have a diagnosis of something somewhat managable after years of questions.

Without happy hour and Jack's recent talk of going to the doctors, i NEVER would have been able to do this and make it through this ordeal. So when i say Happy Hour and Jack have SAVED MY LIFE, i really truely mean it. I would not be alive and well today if jack hadn't have spoken up about his health anxiety and his trip to the doctors.

I am so endlessly grateful, and it makes me tear up a little whenever i think about how important happy hour has been for me. I am still alive because of jack's openess. And i am genuinely so grateful.

So thank you Jack. Thank you to Robbie, Alfie and Stevie. Thank you Happy Hour. 💛