What is the one JRPG you've played that required the most grinding? What JRPG required the least grinding?

Im interested to see what games lie on both ends of the spectrum for you guys, it will also help me in determining the next game I want to play.

Just beat Radiant Historia for the first time and I didn't recall a single time I had to grind to pass an obstacle. Was moving pretty consistently forward from start to finish, only had to farm a bit when a character wouldn't appear for a while and I had to catch them up, but levelling was QUICK.

Also just beat Wizard of Oz Beyond the Yellow Brick Road and I had to grind levels in nearly every area to build character speed, to farm money, and to farm healing herbs. If I progressed the areas too fast, the bosses would wipe my team before I got my first turn.

Still working on Baten Kaitos since March. The game nearly softlocked me on a particular boss, so now I am paranoid and grinding in every area, making sure I am ahead of the curve.