Monthly Income Guide: F2P Renewable Sources & Dolphin/Whale Sources
Hi All! I wanted to make an aggregated guide of all renewable gem sources, along with an aggregated list of Dolphin/Whale sources. If I'm missing anything, please let me know and I will make the proper edits.
F2P Renewable Sources
Daily Wishes: 90/Day (2700 Monthly)
Mira Crown\*: 900/Reset (1800 Monthly)
Store (Mira Crown Sparklite Store): 3 Revelation Crystal (360 Monthly)
Store (Resonance Tranquility Droplet): 5 Revelation Crystal (600 Monthly)
Total: 5460 Monthly
*It is my assumption Infinity Nikki is following the path of Genshin/Re1999 where the endgame mode resets bimonthly. Considering we had a reset today with a 10d timer and the previous with a 12d (?) timer, that appears to be the case? We will know for sure in January.
Paid Renewable Sources
Monthly Gifts Subscription (4.99 USD): 90/Day (2700 Monthly + 300 Stellarite)
Battle Pass (BP) Mira Journey (Distant Anthem, 9.99 USD): 1360 + 5 Revelation Crystal (1960)
BP Mira Journey (Miracle Epic, 19.49 USD): 1360 + 5 Revelation Crystal (1960 + 980 Stellarite)
Total (Converting Stellarite): 3000 (Sub), 4960 (Sub + Anthem), 5940 (Sub + Epic)
Total (NOT Converting Stellarite): 2700 (Sub), 4960 (Sub + BP)
For the BP, the current timer shows that is is at a monthly cadence. However, it is not known whether Infinity Nikki's patch schedule is on a monthly level (hence the BP timer), or if this is something unique to the release patch. We will know when BP resets in January.
Stellarite Packs
Below are the stellarites you get after the first double bonus.
0.99 USD: 60
4.99 USD: 300+35 (335)
14.99 USD: 980+120 (1100)
29.99 USD: 1980+300 (2280)
49.99 USD: 3280+660 (3940)
99.99 USD: 6480+1800 (8280)
Not enough information to discuss right now, but it looks like the current small event gives 370. If we are assuming this is a small event, then it's possible the "big" event of each patch will give anywhere from 5-10 pulls. For safety, I will assume every month we will receive 960 gems from events (possibly a low estimate).
For the full F2P, this is 6,420 gems per month, or 53.5 pulls.
For those with the Monthly Gifts subscription, this is 9,420 gems per month (or 9,120 without converting the Stellarite), or 78.5 pulls. At this point, one can expect a full SSR set every other month.
For those with BP (Anthem), this is 11,380 gems per month*, or 94.8 pulls. If you buy the Miracle Epic version and convert the Stellarite, that's 12,360 per month, or 103 pulls.
*Unknown if BP resets monthly. We will know in January.
If you don't mind whaling a little bit, a single 99.99 USD pack will give 69 pulls, which coupled with the Sub+BP sources, will give enough to get a full SSR set every month (with 8 pulls short of 180 to get the first recolor, though).
Once again, please let me know if I missed anything.
Edit: Reformatted for ease of reading. Grammar corrections.