My girlfriend cheated with her Ex.

I caught my girlfriend in a lie about one of her ex's and after a long session of questioning she confessed to cheating on me with him for 2 months. Her reasoning was that we are so far away (we are long distance as of now) and he gave her the physical attention I couldn't, but she swears she loves me. She had sex with him 12-15 times, but she swears she didn't like it. I just don't know what to do and I feel like my world is shattered

Edit: I really didnt explain the situation too well, and I apologize for that. essentally she took physical affection from him initially because I lacked a presence for her, as I stated we had communication issues and we were long distance. Her ex made her feel good and offered her weed (Which I dont allow her to use because she suffers from various mental problems and weed can amplify these issues), and she knew id never say okay to her smoking it. I understand that does not justify it, but its merely more in depth on why she was so drawn to it. About the sex though, she was essentially raped. I have learned from you all to not believe things that come from her mouth, but she has show me various peices of evidence that prove he came onto her, and forced himself into her with struggle, and did not care when she did not like it or that it hurt. Reminder she never explicitly told him "no", shes a people pleaser and wanted to continue to get money and weed from him, but promises she didnt want the sex and I believe that, our previous sex life was significantly more than the things ive seen and heard from her and the proof follows that. She has promised to make things right with me and has been putting in the effort to do so, various problems of our old relationship have been worked on, and it is as if we are starting new. I believe that sometimes people need a second chance, you in the replies will say "she fucked him 1t times! thats not a second chance, thats a fifteenth!", and to that id say yeah, I agree but even so, she realizes how much she appreciates me now and is showing genuine signs of not lying, shes been throwing up (as I have) and having meltdowns and crying to me about what she did and how she wishses she could take it all back. Im going to trust her this time, and hope that this can grow our relationship. Shes been doing more for me in our sex life, has been making improvements in our struggles, and has been doing kind things for me to let me know im appreciated, and I believe she is genuinely sorry. I have made it very clear that this behavior isnt my fault, and its hers and she takes accountability for that. She knows I will leave her if she even treads on my boundaries again, not just the cheatng part, and is content with that as she genuinely means to make ammends. Thank you for all the replies, even if harsh. They brought new perspectives into the situation and allowed me to talk it out with my partner, and I hope we can grow from this as people, and for the sake of our relationship. Call me dumb, naive, or whatever other words you wish to describe me with; I love her and I genuinely believe she loves me. Thank you all again.