Anti-Trans Legislation

Hello, fellow Hoosiers. I want to raise awareness of some concerning anti-trans legislation being considered this legislative session.

I left Indiana in 2023 because of transphobic violence and fear of laws like the ones proposed. They say you can always go home but these bills, if enacted and enforced, would make it practically impossible for me to visit my family. These bills are designed to make life for trans people so unpleasant that we’re forced to leave or live in the closet. Please contact your State Representatives and Senators to tell them to vote down this legislation!

HB 1342-Defines “biological sex” and makes it a misdemeanor to enter a restroom which doesn’t correspond to an individual’s assigned sex at birth. In other words, going to a public restroom while trans would be illegal.

HB 1341-Prohibits amendment of gender marker on birth certificate (with limited exceptions, none of which apply to trans people).

Locate your legislators here: ——————————————————————— Edit: WOW, this really went far off the rails. :(

Thank you to all the kind people who have lent support and to those who’ve reached out to their legislators to advocate against these bills.

To those of you who’ve not been as kind: Please consider the real harm your vitriol and harshness does to trans people (and to your own souls, honestly). I wish you all healing and wholeness.