Indiana Parks Alliance announces plans for grand lodge at Potato Creek State Park, first facility constructed in the park since 1939.
“Potato Creek State Park, located in North Liberty, IN 16 miles southwest of South Bend, will welcome visitors at a new grand lodge in the next few years! The lodge is Indiana State Parks' first facility constructed from the ground up since 1939. The new lodge will be located on Worster Lake’s southern shore in Potato Creek State Park.
Preliminary plans for the lodge include 120 guest rooms, a full-service dining room that seats 150, a conference center with three break-out rooms and capacity for 350 guests, an indoor aquatic center, a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces for small gatherings, a mini-nature room for programs and exhibits, a café, a gift shop, and access to the lake and other park features.
The lodge joins Pokagon State Park’s Potawatomi Inn as one of two northern State Park Inn locations. The attached renderings of Potato Creek State Park's new lodge were taken from the IDNR State Parks website.“
As an avid visitor of Potato Creek, this frustrates me. Not a single facility has been built on this beautiful, natural park in nearly 85 years, and I’ve long appreciated this park for its lack of human architecture and preservation of an almost completely natural environment.
I simply want to know other’s thoughts and concerns on this!