What’s your favorite substance?

2024 has been kind, looking forward to 2025!

Got to experiment with a lot of substances I’ve wanted to try and found a lot of new favorites. Looking forward to 2025, the raves and the experiences it has to offer!

Substance ranking (you might not agree, but it’s my list so kick rocks)

1) Shrooms, no contest. 2) Weed. (I actually like it a lot better than a lot of “harder” substances and it’s something I can go back to with minimal to no repercussions) 3) MDMA. (Good, pure molly is out of this world. A little hollow, and difficult to come by - but when it hits there’s few things that come close to it.) 4) Acid. (Only ranking it lower because of the duration of the experience.) 5) Meth. (A lot of people will knock me for this, but if y’all have never done it - you have no idea what you’re talking about. It’s the one drug that makes doing everything and nothing so much FUN at the same time. Unlike a few other drugs, it’s easy to maintain a fairly high level of functionality on this substance. Also, extremely fiendish so self regulation is absolutely necessary. DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU HAVE AN ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY. Good meth is very difficult to come by, so that’s something that helps me regulate because I don’t like scoring from randoms - but trust me - this is one of the easiest drugs to bender on without even realizing it’s been 3 days)

There are many other substances I’d love to keep adding, but they’re in the “never again” or “might do if it’s in front of me” category.

Some of the ones I haven’t tried, but want to in the coming year are: 3/4-MMC, 2C-B and ketamine.

Happy tripping; and happy new year!

EDIT: Meth also strictly falls into the “will do if in front of me” category . I’ve never sourced it myself, and neither do I trust myself with a reliable source for it.