This is why yours convos don't turn into something meaningful.

With 5+ years of dating apps experience.

80% of convo will die in 48-72 hrs. First 5 txts will be enough to judge the intrest and vibe.

Sadly 90% of 18-24 yr old girls are there just to "time pass", "ego boosting" , "attention seeking" .

Roughly 1 in 250 matches will get you a hook-up. Which will also be shallow.

And apps like HINGE has one of the worst algorithm to get to matches .

After those "drop her flattery cheesey words, before match" has ruined the algorithm towards girls way much more.

So initially where girls have to send a first msg on bumble (yk which alot of girls hate). Will be just a one word "hi/👋/hello/hey"

Now girls get those "flattery pick-up line tareefein" without even matching you.

So it's more of a mental torture and self doubts for guys,will recommend you not to use it. Seek something irl.

The " what could I do better to keep them intrested in me" question will only make you more restless and it would alter your real personality.