Round ligament pain and SCH bleeding?

I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, I've left a message on the nurse line at my ob and obviously will follow their advice. I guess I'm curious if anyone else has had similar issues after stopping IVF meds?

I am 11 weeks, 'graduated' from reproductive endocrinologist to regular OB at 8 weeks and was told to continue estrogen and progesterone supplements/injections through 10 weeks, which I did without issue. I did have a subchorionic hematoma at 6 weeks that had shrunk to half the original size on my 8 week ultrasound- no bleeding at that time.

2 days ago I had brown spotting all morning so I called nurse line and was advised to watch and wait. If it turned bright red, lasted more than a day, or had significant increase in pain I was to call back. I thought it resolved because by Monday afternoon spotting stopped and I was fine all day yesterday.

This morning I woke up bleeding, but not bright bright red like fresh period blood. It was like brick red, and I went to the bathroom about 500 times today to check out how much I was bleeding. It was not a lot of blood, didn't fill a liner all day and it tapered off completely this afternoon.

On my way home from work today, I started having really sharp pains that kind of feel like ripping my insides apart but it lasts for like a second and then stops, coming back a minute or a few minutes later. This has continued for about 2 hours so far. This pain has been mid-low central and mid-low on right hand side of my abdomen. By mid low I mean like halfway between bellybutton and pelvic bone. On the right side it's almost adjacent to my hip bone.

So what do we think? Is this what round ligament pain feels like? Is this just a coincidence that the stupid SCH is finally draining out and my uterus is stretching or is it related? Do you think it's possible the placenta still isn't making enough hormones and I might need to go back on the prometrium suppositories? The pain is sharp and bad enough to stop me in my tracks- if it was continuous I'd already be at the ER. I've struggled for years with infertility and loss and I want this baby so badly.