Very faint line 8dp5dt

Tw: positive test

My transfer was 12/18. I started testing 4dpt and they were negative through 6dpt. I skipped testing on day 7 to save myself some heartache on Christmas but caved this morning at 8dpt. I drank tons of water the night before and went to the bathroom at least 4 times in the middle of the night because I wasn’t planning on testing anymore. I took a FRER test on only a 3 hour hold and the test was definitely positive but with a very faint line. My husband actually thought it was negative at first glance but quickly saw it too. I am hoping it was light due to drinking so much water but I feel like it should be darker at this point. I didn’t take a picture of the test but my sister did using a filter (I don’t think she’s ever taken a picture without a filter lol) so I don’t know if the picture will be helpful. I don’t have anymore test and my beta is in the morning. I have been having brown/pink spotting off and on since 5dpt. Should I be guarding my heart? Or do I still have some hope in this? This will be my 6th pregnancy after 5 losses and I just want this to stick so badly.