Went for our first ultrasound yesterday and it showed no embryo (4 weeks pregnant post transfer)

** edit ** there was a visible “perfect” gestational sac but no visible embryo yet. I am 4 weeks past transfer and we transferred at D4

How sad and disappointed we were to not see an embryo in the gestational sac yesterday for our first ultrasound! I was speechless.. the gynecologist told us this could happen as 4 weeks is still early so she asked us to come back in two weeks to check again. I am so disappointed and anxious. Has anyone experienced the same thing at 4 weeks past the day of transfer? I am hoping to have a good surprise at my next appointment but also trying to protect myself.

**** update **** had a second ultrasound today and the gynecologist confirmed blighted Ovum. It’s hard but I am feeling lucky to have gone this far on my first transfer. We’ll keep the fight and try again in January. Best of luck everyone and thank you all for your messages. Take care of yourselves and all the best to you