Happy New Year! Here is to 3000 IPMATtards! πŸΎπŸ«‚

You're entering the second half of this decade.

Many of you will leave this decade with a masters degree, earning more than 98% of Indians (as per reported income).

In the grander scheme of things, allow yourself to not feel stressed about aiming for perfection.

The rat race starts only when you believe that you're in the rat race.

You're not.

You'll do well regardless of your college.

You're more than that one line in your resume, you're your upbringing, learnings, skills, relationships and the community that you foster around yourself.

When you realise that you're going to be successful because there is no single path to success, you start becoming more confident because you'll stop fearing failure.

When that happens, you realise that failures are a default setting to achieve success. No light exists without the absence of darkness, no success exists without the absence of failures.

Kids are afraid of the dark -- it seems so silly in hindsight.

You are so afraid of failure -- it'll seem silly in hindsight.
