For all the juniors.
Just joined this subreddit and I'm absolutely baffled by you all. If anyone can send the English Language and all other papers (when they are out) in my dms. I'll help them out.
First of all, you guys should chill down. The amount of people freaking out over one paper.. holy shit you guys.
Stop tweaking and get on with the next exams preparation. There was so much filth that I kept scrolling and scrolling (not joking; I'm joking tho)
Just some advice from a Senior. Firstly, don't worry.. you guys have to use basic mathematics and calculate your next move.
Your Language exam went shit? Cover it up with Literature, start by thinking I can't score nothing less than an 80. Have faith in yourself, if you did the prep then you'll surely be rewarded, everything will be from the books that you had read, nothing outside from it.
Peace out y'all. I'll try replying to every comment this post gets. I can help with any subject except those whose syllabus has been changed and Biology. Ask anything for Computer.
Don't ask about Literature tho cause I had Merchant of Pen-.. I mean MOV (V for Venice).