Where to get good solictor recommendations? And a question on Mortgage Agents and surveys?

Question 1 - I'd like to know where can I find a solicitor who doesn't sit on their ass and let things slip for weeks or months or takes days to respond?

Question 2 - Also, I've met with a Mortgage Agent recently who said she oversees the whole process and ensures solicitors are doing their jobs etc. Is that a normal thing? Last few brokers I met with said no such thing. I quite like this agent because she seems really on it and even said she checks lenders almost daily to keep getting the best rates for her clients. She even said she negociates with the seller on your behalf. Her fee is £699 and I'm wondering if it's worth it.

Question 3 - What level survey should I do for a flat in a manged building (semi big development, roughly 100 flats) that's about 15 years old?