How much do you pay for energy
Hey everyone,
I hope you all had a amazing christmas.
I'm just curious, how often you have the heating during this cold snap? It's currently 3 degrees where I am.
I constatly have the heating on with the HIVE thermostat over a 24 hour period. I know that it's is better to have the heating on when you need it but I really struggle to get the property to temprature when it's off. It generally takes over 1 hour to increase one degree, which is a pain and believe it or not it costs me more.
I have a steady 19c in hallway, which gives me about 21 for the rest of the house. This fee days it has cost me on average 4.15 for having the heating on constantly.
We have a combi boiler, installed 2 years ago. 3 bedroom semi detached, two occupants
The flow temp of my boiler is 64 degrees and I'm not sure whether I should reduce this. Currently, my average rate of heat loss is about 0.5c per 1.8 hours, which is much better than my parents property.
We pay around 120 for gas and 60 for electricity this time of year.
I'm just curious how everyone else is doing. I know I need to upgrade my loft insulation.