Ceilings Help HF2

So I recently got HF2 and have gone through the main story jobs (except the last one) and have been suckered into creator jobs. I haven’t built from the ground up myself yet and only JUST started messing with the ceilings on a job. You can imagine my horror when my haint colored porch ceiling not only is on the outside where it’s supposed to be, but also INSIDE in areas (along with some siding).

Am I missing something obvious on painting/finishing ceilings where they don’t go inside like it has? I really don’t want stark white ceilings on my porches of this build as the exterior is all black and mahogany stained, but if I must to keep my interior ceilings one color in each room, I will revert it. I’m on PS5 btw so I have no access to any extra fun things mod wise if that’s a thing. Any advice on finishing ceilings that are apparently connected both to the interior and exterior would be greatly appreciated!