How fucked up it really is?

Im a starter at Warhammer, have no physical stuff, readed the first two ciaphas cain omnibus, know some stuff from YouTube and plaid some rogue trader, and i can't see Warhammer setting as THAT horrible for humans.

First going off by my book literature, Ciaphas sometimes point out beautiful planets, that while usually having issues with genestealers or chaos cults also have a big portion of their population just living there, in conditions better than we'd have under certain dictatorships, he mentions normal bars with folks drinking, joy girls, and other stuff that do leave to think you can have some glimpse of good moments.

Using rogue trader as example, planet Janus((i think is the name.)) it's an agriworld, beautiful, doesn't seems polluted, has a sea, quite nice, of course it still has issues((not gonna spoil it.)) but such can't affect the whole planet right?

Besides all, the empire is huge, not everywhere is at a front and at direct threat, some people can realistically live far off from death.

But again im a starter so id like y'all takes on my opinion.