Guys its happened. But so much worse

So, I always read about creeps in your dms and I haven't got any thank God, but I was still vigilant.

Then I got this message, from apparently a revert "who wears niqab" and just needed help with some doubts they were having with their faith. I tried to fob off by saying ask someone in real life and they then say they did but not satisfied. Post history also revealed nothing untoward. So I relented. Some questions and answers later they got triggered by a point of Islamic history and suddenly the most racist anti-arab diatribe with exmuslim talking points and straight up zionist propaganda (juice invented everything good and Muslims are uneducated colonisers who only got oil, you get the picture). Blocked them after a few choice epithets i sent their way.

So. Be careful. We have zio scumbags posting as Muslim WOMEN reverts trying to talk to us.