DiversDex : your own armory / detailed weapons & enemy stats / breakdown calculator (TTK, HP, Armor value, Durability, etc)
Greetings, Helldivers
For several months now, I've been regularly updating DiversDex, a tool for modelling how our weapons behave against enemies. You'll also find detailed enemy characteristics (HP, armour, durability, etc) and weapon characteristics (lasting damage, perforation, ballistic data, etc).
The principle is very simple: you choose a weapon, the part of an enemy and... it's as simple as that! Everything else is calculated automatically (TTK, damage per hits, HP, etc) !
Most weapons and enemies are available, with the exception of those whose behaviour is too random to be modelled (shrapnel, flamethrowers beam, airburst launcher, etc). In addition, stratagems that bombard an area will not be simulated, as there are too many variables to obtain regular and reproducible results.
How can i use DiversDex ?
DiversDex is a googlesheet doc, set to read only by default. To unlock or update it, please create a new copy to your own Google drive (you need to be logged in). This tool is designed for use with google sheets only. Compatibility with Excel (or equivalent) is not guaranteed and will not be tested.
Feel free to ask any question you have !