Helping new players is absolutely hilarious

So I'm at that point now where I've seen it all, done it all, lvl 105, all achievements etc. Only ever play on super helldive. Things start getting a bit stale when you don't have friends online to play with so I decided to start diving into lvl 1-4 missions, answering beacons etc, to help new players.

Can safely say I've had some of the funniest experiences playing with new guys and it's quite refreshing to show people how to play (as the game does a terrible job and telling you what to do at first)

Calling down gear, letting them run around in walkers etc. Watching them crush each other and die from diving out of the way. I called down an autocannon and one player took the cannon and another took the backpack, me thinking maybe they know about team reloading? Nah, bro just ran around the whole game with a backpack on for no reason. I try to say stuff in the chat to explain things and they hardly ever respond, but honestly it's funnier that way. When you get a group of sub lvl 10's and they just follow you around like lost puppies.

Had one guy accidently pickup a specimen which I left at extract and the poor chap was having a meltdown trying to figure out how to drop it, I didn't know ps controls so whilst I was trying to help him with that I have a body land on me from where the other guys were pushing each other off a huge rock nearby. Honestly I was gasping.

If you haven't already, I highly recommend diving in with the cadets from time to time.