Well it finally happened

I'm new to HellDivers 2 and so far it has been one of the best games I've played in a long time ! Mainly due to the community and the amazing people I've met randomly. That sentament still stands after what happened today...

Today I did a quick play , had my mic off . We had to turn on the fuel for the objective. The 3 I was playing with didn't understand if the fuel cells being yellow meant it was good to go or if it needed to be red. So they kept turning them back and forth over and over again. I got on the mic and said that they need to be yellow to activate.

All at once the three of them " what the fuck you're a girl, what the fuck are you doing here " blah blah blah insert kitchen comment here. I didn't say anything and started towards to second part of the objective. They shot me in the back , called me a stupid bitch then kicked me from the game.

Now when I tell you it took everything in me to not go back into my recent players , find them , jump back in and drop a 500kg bomb on them , I mean it.

HellDivers has been so much fun and even that experience won't stop me from playing but please don't let HD2 turn into a COD lobby.

Were all here to spread democracy and obliterate bugs/bots in the name of freedom.