Hogwarts Legacy is awesome and it doesn't deserve half the hate it gets

I've been having a blast playing through this game for the first time lately, and every time I look something up online I always come across SO many people hating on it for close to no reason.

Maybe it's because I'm playing a patched version of the game that's different from what they played when it'd just come out? Or maybe it's because I'm completely biased and blinded by nostalgia, but I really don't find it "repetitive" or "janky" at all. On the contrary, I find it extremely varied, fun and polished. I haven't even encountered any bugs so far, after several days of playing! I also see many people complaining about the story and the characters being "boring" or "one-dimensional", but so far I'm really intrigued by the story and like all the side-characters a lot.

The music, the sound design, the scenery, the character customization, the fluidity of combat, every little secret there is to find literally around every corner, all the references to obscure details that only weirdos (me) remember... I'm just a kid again. This game really feels like a love letter from the devs, and it breaks my heart to see people dunking on it for being "dull, bland, shallow". What? This is the most unique open-world game I've ever played! Are we even talking about the same game?

If you like (or used to like) anything Harry Potter or know anyone that does, please have them play this. I want more people to experience what I'm going through right now.