The truth about straight edge

I'm an old head and I've discovered that there are two truths about straight edge.

  1. Straight edge kids don't know shit.
  2. Straight edge kids are right.

Substance use is a pit with steep, greased sides. Once you start to slip in, it's very difficult to crawl out. Most straight edge kids don't know this - they just hate or are afraid of mind altering substances. But once you start fucking with them, you're drawn in. The more you fuck with it, the more it sucks you in.

Straight edge kids maybe heard about this or have seen it, but they don't know it.

But they're right. You start fucking with mind altering substances, they will get some sort of grip on you eventually. Once that happens, it's never the same. It's very hard to go back.

It's not hard to be a straight edge kid. It's just being a scared kid. Getting sober, getting in control, when you've seen what it's like to not be in control is difficult. This is not a slight on straight edge. I'm just saying it's much harder to get a grip once you've lost control.

I'm putting this out as a former edge kid. If you're questioning your resolve, you need to know that you're better off. You're right. I don't wish an addiction struggle on anyone.