So this is something I've complained about a lot but why don't people ever rematch? I played Slayer and was pretty consistent on F10. However it kept pissing me off because regardless of whether or not I beat someone or got absolutely obliterated, people will never rematch. I can't learn the matchup, or how other characters play very easily. And in general like, WHY NOT??? You don't have to wait for someoen else, and can just hop into a game immidiately!

It started pissing me off that I ended up switching to Leo (who I don't know how to play at all), labbed out some bad combos, I just started playing him. Bringing me down to F7, though recently F8. And people here are SO much more likely to rematch. Which is awesome!

But someone, anyone, PLEASE TELL ME why people just own't ramatch?!?!?!