MIX.R Repair Advice

Fyi, advice for the new players like me, because I couldn't find this clearly documented online, and it caused me some confusion.

When you activate a MIX.R, a horde of bugs will come to attack the machine, and you need to defend it. If you are successful, you are rewarded with Science.

If you fail, then the MIX.R is broken.

If you get near the broken machine, it will say the MIX.R needs to be repaired. But clicking X won't work.

Equip your Repair Tool. Again, hitting X won't work.

You have to "attack" the MIXR with your repair tool. Just beat the crap out of it using the tool. And the machine will magically get repaired.

Repair it all the way until the machine health is maxed out. It is possible to Repair it with just one hit, but then the machine health is weak.

After fully repaired, the message should switch to "Rebooting" and it makes you wait a few seconds.

Finally, you can click X to Reactivate the machine.

Animals will attack again and you must defend, or do the repair cycle again.

Hope this helps someone.