Need help with a Warlord build

I'm looking at Grimtools builds, but there only some builds there are helpful in my opinion. Also a lot of those builds are pre 1.2 version. Are most of those still even viable? Are there any updates that just invalidated some builds for some masteries? Like I can see an update nerfing some specific mechanic and a build just still sitting there at that version, but anyone coming in with a newer version would get wildly different results. Is this a thing?

Anyways, I'm doing a hardcore run for all the achievements and am really looking into a safe survival build. Shield is a MUST have for me, I don't want to get nuked out of nowhere randomly. Currently just completed normal campaign + ashes. I have all resistances maxed on normal at least, and am doing eye of reckoning for quicker leveling. I kinda do want to move towards a shield default attack build more, but idk if those are even viable for ultimate. I like my eye of reckoning for clearing out mobs, but it feels a bit weird for bosses and think there could be a better option.