PhD: Feeling the pressure of a GIANT commitment

Does anyone have this feeling, when they first started their PhD (or a longer masters), that they got themselves into a giant axx, commitment but also know that’s kinda what you wanted or else you would’ve have applied for it? So you’re just in this limbo state of mind between “what did I get myself into” and “is this going to be worth it” and “I am pretty sure I want this”?

I started my PhD 6 months ago and because it’s a direct entry program it’s 5 years long. Going in I was definitely super excited, but as time goes on I’m having more doubts that this is a huge commitment that will take up most of my 20s and even now, I still don’t have a lot of clues about post PhD career aspects (I’m in pharmacology). I don’t know if another 5 more years of school is going to get me better job prospects and even if I do, it’d be what I want to do.

But then I ask myself what I’d be doing if I just quit now and...I can’t think of anything else because it’s still one of my goals.

As someone who’s about to start, started recently or midway/almost finishing, do these feelings ever go away? What got you through the doubts?

Quite frankly, I did start grad school in the middle of a global pandemic so maybe that’s why the doubts are especially real.